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We shape our cities and then they shape us


Who we are?

Urbanica is a company based in Latvia that produces benches, litter bins, bicycle stands, and a lot more! By designing and creating street furniture we are helping to create a user-friendly urban environment.

We are using durable and eco-friendly materials to create functional and aesthetically-pleasing products. Every product is carefully made, packed and shipped to our customers!


The Begginings :

Urbanica roots go back to a company called TehnikaR, which had its rise in the early ’90s. TehnikaR started out as a metalwork company, that made to order metal constructions and products.

After some time company shifted to designing and producing its own urban and public space furniture. Later it was decided to split it into metalworking specialists - TehnikaR - and urban furniture design team - Urbanica. A new company was born.


Sit Down!


Our Bestsellers

Litter bins


Our Aim

By designing and creating street furniture we are helping to create a user-friendly urban environment. We hope that in the near future overall urban environment quality will improve and it will attract more and more people to spend time outdoors.


We would appreciate

We would love to work with you! Urbanica produces products that could be sold under the brand name of Your company. We will provide product design & packaging services for You!

"What defines character of a city is its public space”

— Joan Clos


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